Virtual Team

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Hire Offshore Developers

Hire Offshore Developers


Hire Offshore developers from Dotcod, a top Offshore software development company in India.Dotcod is an exclusive destination for hiring seasoned softwaredevelopers/programmers, business analysts, and project managers with proven expertise across hundreds of technologies and domains. We vet our developers from the best so that you can solve your business challenges with the right resources who are ready to intercept your important business requirements, exactly when you need them. Start transforming your digital ideas to life by hiring our offshore developers. All of our offshore developers have proven expertise in crafting and shipping enterprise-grade products for 100+ companies around the globe. Dotcod Solutions is the perfect choice for you if you are looking to hire offshore developers and take the services of highly experienced, and dedicated developers for your project requirements.

Flexibility & Reliability

Hassle-Free Onboarding

Handpicked Resources

No Upfront Costs

Strict NDA

IP Protection

Offshore Developers

Why Hire Offshore Developers From Dotcod?


Why Hire Offshore Developers 



DOTCOD Hiring Models


Hire Developer Model

The Hire developer model is best suited for complex projects that require long-term collaboration. This model is the right choice if you need extra resources to fill your in-house development team or set up a dedicated team to build your software from scratch.


Billed only for Quantifiable Work


Suitable for Long-Term Projects


Additional Savings


DGR Model

Facing challenges in hiring resources for your enterprise projects? Then, the Dedicated Global Resource (DGR) model is for you. DGR is a 1:7 blended model where a dedicated resource manages the offshore team by working onshore with your in-house teams.

24X7 Production

Faster Turnaround

Onsite Support

Suitable for Enterprise Projects


Fixed Price Model

This model is best suited for businesses that are planning to build a short-term or Minimum Viable Product(MVP) within a limited budget. As the name suggests, the price is calculated based on the amount of work and won’t change once the agreement is signed.



Fixed Cost


No Hidden Charges





Our offshore development team work for 8.5 hours a day and 5 days a week. However, we are flexible in fulfilling your emergency needs.

To secure your IP, We sign NDAs which cover confidentiality, ownership rights, and IP rights before engaging with you.

We use communication channels like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Confluence, Skype for business, Jira, Trello, etc. You can also contact them via calls, chats, and emails.

In the case of hiring a developer model, we do not take any payments upfront. Invoices are generated on the last working day of every month and payments are accepted via wire transfer with net 10 terms.

We are a 100% export oriented unit in which 95% of our customers are based in the US. All our offshore developers have daily scrum calls, sprint retros, weekly meetings, etc with our customers. On top of that, we provide accent and communication training to all our developers.

You will have complete control over your offshore developers just like your in-house deve+lopers who work from home. Managing a developer from Vofox is just like managing your in-house resources.