Hiring Product

Hiring Product

Designing eRecruiter’s Mobile App for Recruitment Management

Designing eRecruiter’s Mobile App for Recruitment Management


eRecruiter is a Polish-based tool for recruitment planning, management, and automation. The company wanted a mobile app to complement its desktop software. Thanks to Dotcod, prototype verification, and comprehensive handover, the client now has a fully fledged mobile service.


UX Design


Recruitment software to streamline the hiring process Trusted by over 1,800 customers, eRecruiter is one of the most popular recruitment management platforms in Poland. Founded in 2009, the all-in-one HR app allows recruiters to source job applications, contact candidates, and cooperate with businesses – all from a single platform.


About the Project


The project’s primary goal was to design and implement a fully fledged mobile service as an extension of eRecruiter’s existing web solution. The app had to be suitable for a range of devices and developed in React Native for cross-platform coherency. Visual compliance with the desktop app and brand guidelines was crucial.


To understand the concept and prioritize ideas, we first used our ultimate weapon – a Product Design Sprint workshop. We then went through the design process from start to finish: from creating user flows and wireframes, user testing, creating a high-fidelity prototype, and delivering comprehensive handover documentation to ensure app development went smoothly.

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